Romans | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 2 Romans | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 2

When I Contemplate God

September 6, 2015
“Wow, who could do this but God." This morning, I want us to see God the way Paul saw Him, to contemplate the greatness of the One we serve —…

How Concerned Are You?

August 16, 2015
How often do we hear someone say, “the church is not growing”. When answers are sought as to why, people often say: a.) Preachers aren’t preaching anymore, they are pastoring.…

More Than Conquerors

August 2, 2015
Nothing seems stable in our world anymore. All around us we are being reminded of the insecurity we will face in life: a.) Health b.) Occupation c.) Financial d.) Society…
None of us wants to grieve the loss of someone we love, nor do we want to be in a hospital trying to get well. However, because of the sin…

Life In The Spirit

July 19, 2015
If you are a Christian here this morning, there are some things which Paul writes to you and me which should make us sit up and take notice. The theme…
If you are a Christian this morning, you will go through many times when you experience failure and frustration because of sin’s continued warfare against your soul. But our victory…

Dying to Live

July 5, 2015
Baptism is a public declaration that you are making a distinct break with your past life. Becoming a Christian means burning all your bridges to your past life of sin.…

A Reason to Boast

June 7, 2015
Have you ever boasted about anything? a.Your accomplishments (education, athletic, business, etc.)? b. The accomplishments of your children, grandchildren? Sometimes our boasting is much more subtle: a.) Pictures lining the…