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November 12, 2017
Let's go back to the beginning. The beginning of God's creation. After six days of creation, 'God saw that all that He had made, and behold, it was very good"…


November 5, 2017
Long ago, somewhere possibly around the time of Abraham, there was a man who was considered "the greatest man among all the people of the East." His name was Job…


October 22, 2017
How often have you heard the word “gospel” in your lifetime? For many of you here tonight, it is far more times than any of us could count! Like Scripture,…


October 15, 2017
Prophets were "individuals called and empowered by God to declare His will to His people, including the disclosure of His future intentions to save and judge His people. God called…


October 8, 2017
What is truth? This question was asked of Jesus by the Roman Procounsel Pilate almost 2,000 years ago, and is still being asked today? The word “truth” is used in…


September 10, 2017
Would you like to know what it is like to have all your sins forgiven; to have God's Holy Spirit alive and at work in your life; and to be…


September 3, 2017
Most of the Old Testaments uses of the word "confess" occurs in the sense of acknowledging who God is (praise), acknowledging what God has done (thanksgiving), and acknowledging sin (confession).…
Repentance is "sorrow". 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 shows that repentance is an outcome of sorrow. Sorrow leads to repentance; sorrow itself is not repentance That repentance is "a changed life". Some…