Ruth-Overcoming Difficult Times | Waverly Church of Christ Ruth-Overcoming Difficult Times | Waverly Church of Christ

October 29, 2017

Ruth-Overcoming Difficult Times

Passage: Ruth 1:16-17
Service Type:

The story of Ruth unfolded “in the days when the judges governed [and] there was a famine in the land” of Judah (Ruth 1:1).  Elimelech took his wife Naomi and their two sons Mahlon (Machlôwn, makh-
lone´ ) and Chilion (Kilyôwn, kil-yone´ ) from their home at Bethlehem in Judah and went to Moab (1:1). After some time in Moab, Elimelech died. Then the two sons married Moabite women.

About ten years later Mahlon and Chilion both died, leaving Ruth and Oprah as widows, and Naomi childless. Ruth was grieving the loss of her husband, Mahlon (Ruth 4:10). Oprah was grieving the loss of her husband, Chilion. Naomi was grieving the loss of her husband, Elimelech, and her two sons. At this difficult time, these three women had the friendship of one another.

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