Run | Waverly Church of Christ Run | Waverly Church of Christ

January 3, 2016


Passage: Hebrews 12:1-2
Service Type:

The author of Hebrews compares our Christian journey in this life as a race and, in fact it is a lifelong, grueling race. a.) In this race, we are not competing against other Christians. b.) We’re all on the same team. c.) Our competition is against the enemy of our souls, who opposes God’s kingdom and wants us to drop out. This morning as each of us face a new year, I would like to encourage you to take to heart and put into practice those things we find in these two verses so that we all might be successful in reaching our eternal goal. Paul wrote of the joy of receiving the crown of righteousness which is promised to all who finish the course. You can’t finish the race if you have never entered, and you can’t receive the prize if you don’t run the race with endurance. Why not make today the first day of the rest of your Christian life and the first day of your race for the victor’s crown?

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