Righteousness Like An Ever-Flowing Stream | Waverly Church of Christ Righteousness Like An Ever-Flowing Stream | Waverly Church of Christ

April 2, 2017

Righteousness Like An Ever-Flowing Stream

Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNLZsgTWxik?rel=0&w=640&h=480]

In Amos 5, God through His prophet Amos, issues a scathing rebuke against the northern kingdom of Israel in the latter part of the eighth century.

What God sought in his people was not simply a keeping of ritual through . . .

a. the observance of the appointed festivals and solemn assemblies.

b. the offering of burnt offerings, grain offerings and peace offerings.

c. their songs of praise and the sound of their harps.

Instead, what God desired among his people was

a. Justice in their dealings with one another.

b. Righteousness evident in their daily lives.

This is what God has always wanted from those who claim to be His, but what is righteousness?

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