It is at this time of the year that the focus of attention for so many has been turned to the birth of our Savior. The airwaves have been filled with a multitude of songs which proclaim this
miraculous occasion, while television stations have pulled at our heart strings with a number of Christmas themed movies.But are we missing the total message? Is there more to the story?
How many of us come to God's Word and ask Him to teach us and lead us? Do we acknowledge that He alone is our salvation?
When we stop and consider the truth about God, that he is the source of all good things in our lives, our response should be to stop and praise Him.…
Do you enjoy receiving invitations? You might say, it depends upon what the invitation is for, a wedding, graduation, dinner date. Jesus told a parable about a man who prepared…
What is the deepest desire in your heart? What is your greatest longing? For many children this time of year, it is that special gift which they hope to find…
Thanksgiving Day, the day when we as a nation acknowledge our blessings as having come from the God of Heaven. For those of us who are Christians, every day is…
I don’t know how many of you grew up working on a farm. Neither do I know how many of you have planted and tended a garden. But, if you…
You and I are a part of a movement unlike anything this world has ever seen. It began before, what the apostle Paul called, “the foundation of the world,” with…
Only God can save His people. When we as Christians find ourselves surrounded by troubles and distress, we should call out to God, trusting that He will deliver and protect.
No doubt, all of us have used the words, “I love you,” at some point in our lives. We who are married have used them a number of times in…