We see enough bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor (shouting) and slander in our world today, not to mention the physical, mental and emotional injury which goes along with it. We who are Christians are to have no part in such things. Instead, we should be known as those who are kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other.
Being the hands of Jesus requires us becoming people who are known for our love, our joy and our peace, but also people known for our patience.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, "What is my purpose in life?" There are many things we pursue. However, you and I were each created for a specific purpose.…
In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul lists for us that which he calls the “works” or “deeds of the flesh.” He tells us that those who practice such things will not inherit…
Where do we as individuals place our trust? Many put their trust in things which are not destined to last. I encourage each of us to ask ourselves, “Is God…
People do not grow grape vines for their looks. They grow them for the fruit they produce, and the more they produce the better. Jesus uses the analogy of grape…
Is your refuge and strength in God? Is He the One who sustains you? Let us be like David and humble ourselves before God. Let us place our humble trust in Him.
Have you ever stopped to consider the different people you encounter in your life and your connection to them? Some of us have more connections than others, but all of…
How would you describe your prayer life? Do you pray frequently? Do you seldom pray? Are a person who doesn't pray at all? If you pray, what is the content of your prayers? Do you pray for the health and well -being of your family? Do you pray for personal success in life? Do you pray for God to be glorified in your life?
One of the greatest privileges afforded to us as Christians is the praise of God, our Father. Our God is great and worthy of praise. He is our strength and…