Paul, the Apostle of God’s Grace | Waverly Church of Christ Paul, the Apostle of God’s Grace | Waverly Church of Christ

August 10, 2014

Paul, the Apostle of God’s Grace

Passage: Acts 9:1-9
Service Type:

Recently, our news has been dominated by the events of the Middle East. Can you imagine a leader of Hamas or one of these Islamic States being converted to Christ and becoming God's missionary to other Palestinians or Arabs. The account of Saul's conversion presents us with just such a scenario. Saul's conversion is apparently important because the Holy Spirit chose to include it three times in Luke's writing of Acts. There are many Sauls of Tarsus in the world today. But they are not beyond the sovereign grace of God. Perhaps you fall into this category today. Do not refuse Him any longer, give your life to Him today!

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