Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord | Waverly Church of Christ Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord | Waverly Church of Christ

August 28, 2016

Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord

Passage: Mark 10:46-52
Service Type:

Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this healing, but it is Mark’s account I would like for us to focus upon this morning.

As we look at this healing by Jesus, which by the way is the last one Mark records in his gospel, I would like for each of us to ask two questions:

a. Why did the Holy Spirit have Mark put this here?

b. What is it that God wants us to learn from this account?

How long had this man been doing this same thing?

a. Making his way to this same spot and taking up his place by the side of the road where could beg for a piece of bread or a little change so that he could buy food.

b. How many times had he been rebuked by those who had grown tired of the beggars constantly wanting something from them.

He didn’t wish to be blind — this is why he kept crying out to Jesus, “have mercy on me!" (vv. 47,48)

He had a desperate desire to be made well.

This extreme sense of emergency is what ought to be in our lives as well.

We should not rest until we are sure that all is well with our souls.

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