Motivated By Christ | Waverly Church of Christ Motivated By Christ | Waverly Church of Christ

December 22, 2013

Motivated By Christ

Passage: 1 Peter 2:21-25
Service Type:

What motivates you? Different people are motivated by different things: Financial reward, the challenge of whatever it may be, recognition by others, personal satisfaction (the satisfaction of accomplishment). For those who are Christians, motivation to live a life which honors God comes from a special place - Jesus Christ.

Peter writes to Christians who are suffering for their faith. He encourages them to; bear up under the sorrows brought on by unjust suffering and endure it with patience because this finds favor with God. The motivation to press on when others around us do not hold the same values and perhaps even criticize us or worse persecute us for the life we hold so dear is Jesus Christ.

It is in looking to Jesus the "author and perfecter of faith" that we find courage, direction and strength to "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14)

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