Ministers of God’s Compassion | Waverly Church of Christ Ministers of God’s Compassion | Waverly Church of Christ

Ministers of God’s Compassion
April 25, 2021

Ministers of God’s Compassion

Passage: Luke 10:30-37
Service Type:

What is it that God wants us to do more than anything else in the world? Jesus gives us the answer in Mark 12:30. This is why the compassion of Jesus is singled out again and again by the gospel writers — Jesus, who is God in the flesh, is concerned about us. You and I, as disciples, followers of Jesus are to be messengers of that compassion to those around us. How do we do that? How do we share the message of God’s compassion with those we encounter every day? Let’s look at a parable which Jesus told about compassion and seek to learn what Jesus was teaching on that day, all those years ago.

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