Men of God | Waverly Church of Christ Men of God | Waverly Church of Christ

Men of God
June 16, 2024

Men of God

Passage: PSALM 1:1-6
Service Type:

Today, as our country honors Fathers, I would like to do something similar with the men of this congregation and those who may be watching our worship virtually from afar. There are a number of men who stand out in Scripture for their godly character: Enoch, Noah, Abraham and David.  The purpose of our lesson this morning is to encourage each of you men here today, myself included, to be “men of God.” By this phrase, “men of God,” I mean men who make it their goal in life, whether fathers or not, to be men who seek to live faithfully before God all the days of your lives: Men who walk with God on a daily basis. Men who strive to do all that God commands you, because this is the way we demonstrate our love for Him — “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Men, like Abraham, who truly believe in the Lord and trust in Him to guide your footsteps throughout life. Men like David, who are men after God’s “own heart.”  Why is this so important? This is a question we will answer as we look more in-depth at the passage read for us just a moment ago — Psalm 1:1-6.

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