Love Is A Verb – That Becomes A Noun | Waverly Church of Christ Love Is A Verb – That Becomes A Noun | Waverly Church of Christ

February 16, 2014

Love Is A Verb – That Becomes A Noun

Passage: 1 John 4:7-21
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Dale Jenkins posted on the social media, Facebook, "Love is a verb... that becomes a noun. Now, go live that verb! Verb it up today." The interchange of love as a verb and a noun is seen in 1 John 4:7-21. Love transcends the mere mental appreciation or even adoration that some would ascribe to it and its actually shown forth in a person's life by the actions which they do.

Love must grow within us so that it becomes more than just an action. Love must grow to be a representative of who we are. The more we love as a verb, the more we become love, as a noun that is of God. The command came to us in Mark 12:29-31 "love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." How do you show God that you love Him?

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