Living for Life | Waverly Church of Christ Living for Life | Waverly Church of Christ

January 19, 2014

Living for Life

Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-12
Service Type:

The Christian life is a beautiful thing. As a matter of fact, there is nothing on earth that can compare with it. But there is a reaction which comes to the Christian life which we will have to contend with as long as we live in this flesh. It is a natural reaction which comes in the form of persecution from a pagan society against Christians who faithfully obey Jesus Christ.

There is a word of caution to those of us who are living our Christian lives in a careless, half-hearted way. As Christians we have been called to live holy lives which bring blessings not only to ourselves but to those we encounter. What about you, do you love life and want to see good days? If so, then why not devote your life to faithfully following Christ?

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