Joshua: “Be Strong and Courageous” | Waverly Church of Christ Joshua: “Be Strong and Courageous” | Waverly Church of Christ

July 8, 2018

Joshua: “Be Strong and Courageous”

Passage: Joshua 1:1-18
Service Type:

I do not believe that the Lord ever gives us a task without providing the resources we will need to carry out the responsibility. In the first few verses of the first chapter of the book which bears Joshua’s name God spoke to Joshua:
a. Previously, He spoke directly to Moses.
b. Now He spoke directly and reassuringly to Joshua (Read Joshua 1:1-5).

God then charged Joshua three times to “be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6, 7, 9).

Tonight, I would like for us to consider two things concerning Joshua’s success from this first chapter:
a. The conditions which God spelled out for that success.
b. Joshua’s response.

Finally, what can we take away from this for our own lives?

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