Joshua: A Lifetime of Walking In God’s Will | Waverly Church of Christ Joshua: A Lifetime of Walking In God’s Will | Waverly Church of Christ

August 12, 2018

Joshua: A Lifetime of Walking In God’s Will

Passage: Joshua 1:7
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No doubt most, if not all, of us can name at least one individual who came to Christ in the prime of their life, but later fell away. For many years they were faithful in their walk with God, even encouraging others to make the same commitment. But something happened along the way and they became sidetracked. Some did correct their course and came back, but others did not.

Joshua was different. He stands out in the Old Testament as one of those who faithfully followed God's will throughout his entire life. There were times when Joshua made mistakes, but his mistakes never seemed to be as serious as those of others. As we look at Joshua's final exhortations to the people of Israel I believe we see the reasons for his faithful walk with God.

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