Job: A Man Who Learned to Trust God | Waverly Church of Christ Job: A Man Who Learned to Trust God | Waverly Church of Christ

August 18, 2019

Job: A Man Who Learned to Trust God

Passage: Job 23:10
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After the book of Esther, our Bibles have another section in the Old Testament known as the books of wisdom, but also known as the poetical books. Job is the first of these books, because it is written as Hebrew poetry. It is also a historical book with a powerful message.

Job was an actual person who lived and experienced the events described in the book.

God recounts these events for us in this beautiful style so that we might have an answer to the age-old question, “Why do bad things happen to
good people?”

The ultimate answer to that question is given to us, though not to Job, at the beginning of the book.

The answer it this — senseless suffering occurs as a result of Satan’s continual challenge to the government of God.

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