It’s Not How You Start…It’s How You Finish | Waverly Church of Christ It’s Not How You Start…It’s How You Finish | Waverly Church of Christ

August 13, 2017

It’s Not How You Start…It’s How You Finish

Passage: Matthew 21:28-32
Service Type:

Many of us as parents have had a child who promised to do something which we told them to do, but never did.

They may have explained away their failure to do what they were told with, “I forgot,” or “I didn’t have time to get around to it.”

Either way, it wasn’t done.

Many of us have also had a child who, when we told them to do something, refused.

Perhaps they even became angry at us for expecting whatever it may have been of them.

Later, however, they came to us, apologized and did what we had originally told them to do.

Jesus tells this very short parable which was just read for us as a result of a challenge to His authority.

On one occasion Jesus went into the temple area in Jerusalem and began teaching.

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