It Is More Blessed to Give | Waverly Church of Christ It Is More Blessed to Give | Waverly Church of Christ

February 18, 2018

It Is More Blessed to Give

Passage: Philippians 4:14-20
Service Type:

I am sure that all of us as parents and grand parents have experienced those times when a little one refuses to share.

Perhaps there was a certain toy lying by itself, totally forgotten by a child until a friend or sibling wanted to play with it.

Suddenly, our child or grandchild is obsessed with it and must have it to himself/herself.

a. They rush over and jerk it out of the other child’s hand.
b. When we instruct them to let the other child play with it for a while, they protest, “No, it’s mine! I don’t want him to play with it.”

I think that sharing is one of the hardest lessons to teach a child.

There are some adults who still struggle with this concept; especially when it comes to such things as our finances, time and possessions.

Robert E. Lee on one occasion refused to eat a turkey which had been sent as a gift to him, but had it prepared and served to his men.

As we come to the conclusion of our time in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, this faithful servant of God has something to say to us about the importance and value of our sharing, as well as, our supply for sharing, especially as it pertains to the cause of the Gospel.

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