Hated Without A Cause | Waverly Church of Christ Hated Without A Cause | Waverly Church of Christ

Hated Without A Cause
April 20, 2022

Hated Without A Cause

Passage: JOHN 15:18-16:4
Service Type:

The words spoken by Jesus to the eleven disciples only hours before His death in John 15:18-16:4 . He knew how these men would react to his arrest and eventual death. For this reason, He wanted them to know what was coming, in order that they might remember. He also wanted to reassure them they would not be left alone, but that He would send “the Helper,” the Holy Spirit, who would not only “testify” about Him, but would help them to do the same (John 15:26-27). Tonight, as we look at these words of our Lord, let us see what we should come to expect as Christians and why.

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