Great Things Often Have Small Beginnings | Waverly Church of Christ Great Things Often Have Small Beginnings | Waverly Church of Christ

June 11, 2017

Great Things Often Have Small Beginnings

Passage: Luke 13:18-21
Service Type:

Many of us here today have perhaps heard the slogan, “Bigger is better.”

A long time ago, a well known preacher said, “the world worships at the shrine of greatness.”

There seems to be a mindset these days that we have to start with the biggest, because that is always the best (i.e., biggest house, car, etc.).

Such is not always true, especially when it comes to natural disasters (i.e., biggest hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake, fire, etc.)

In our text today, Jesus reminds us that great things — in this case the Kingdom of God — oftentimes have small beginnings.

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