For What Will We Be Remembered | Waverly Church of Christ For What Will We Be Remembered | Waverly Church of Christ

February 10, 2019

For What Will We Be Remembered

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4
Service Type:

Have you ever stopped to consider how your impressions of another congregation of the Lord’s people?
When someone names that certain congregation, what is the first thought or image that comes to your mind?
a. Location?
b. Design or size of the building?
c. The preacher who preached or is preaching there?
d. Specific individuals who attend or did attend there?
e. Theological ideology: conservative, middle-of-the-road, liberal?
f. Vibrant growing church, dying church?

There are a number of things which come to our minds when the name of a congregation is mentioned to us.

In our text this morning, there are three things which the apostle Paul thinks about when he considers his brothers and sisters in Christ who worship in the city of Thessalonica.

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