Faith | Waverly Church of Christ Faith | Waverly Church of Christ

August 20, 2017


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God expects us to use our minds (Matthew 22:36-38; John 8:32) We do not have to commit "intellectual suicide" in order to have faith. A weak faith is the result of our hearts trying to believe what our minds reject.

Does this mean we can have 100% proof? No, but we often commit 100% with less than 100% proof. I.e., When we fly on an airplane (we do not have a 100% guarantee, but we commit 100% anyway). Why? Because the safety of commercial aviation makes it a rational, intelligent decision Now, we must ask ourselves, "Is there enough evidence for me to make a 100% commitment to Christ?" I believe there is...
a. Certainly there is enough to commit myself 100% for Him, rather than be 100% against Him!
b. There is no other alternative (Matthew 12:30)
“He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30, NASB95)

The Christian faith is based on making a rational, intelligent decision.

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