Encouraging Christians to Attend | Waverly Church of Christ Encouraging Christians to Attend | Waverly Church of Christ

December 2, 2018

Encouraging Christians to Attend

Passage: Revelation 22:17
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdH64fULZaI?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

Christianity is a free will religion (Revelation 22:17).

Christianity is based on an invitation that has been extended (John 7:37).

Now, the Spirit (The Holy Spirit) and the bride (the people of God, Revelation 19:7) invite hearers to come to Jesus.

“The one who hears” this invitation, understood as a believer, is directed to invite.

“The one who is thirsty” is invited to come; “the one who wishes (desires or wants strongly) the water of life” is invited to come.

The invitation is to come and accept the water that gives life, water which Jesus
gives (John 4:10).

How can the bride of Christ encourage Christians to attend the assembling of the body, furthermore, invite non-Christians to come drink the same life-giving water which gives to all eternal life?

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