Elijah The Tishbite | Waverly Church of Christ Elijah The Tishbite | Waverly Church of Christ

May 11, 2014

Elijah The Tishbite

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A remarkable event in the ministry of Jesus was His transfiguration. He was transfigured before Peter, James and John (Matthew 17:1-2). Joined by Moses and Elijah, then exalted by the Father (Matthew 17:3-8). Followed by questions related to Elijah (Matthew 17:9-13). We might also ask questions about Elijah. Why did he appear with Moses and Jesus? Of all of the prophets of the OT who could have appeared, why Him?

Elijah was certainly a remarkable individual, and yet he is described as "a man with a nature like ours" (James 5:17). - Clarke

A human being just as ourselves are." "a mere man, subject to the same weaknesses and infirmities as other men." -Barnes

How did such a man become the greatest of prophets? What lessons might he offer us in our service to God? Let's take a closer look.

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