Do Not Forget | Waverly Church of Christ Do Not Forget | Waverly Church of Christ

May 28, 2017

Do Not Forget

Passage: Deuteronomy 8:11-20
Service Type:

This morning, as I seek to encourage you to remember our Lord’s sacrifice on our behalf, I would like to take you back to another place and time:

a. The Place — the Plains of Moab, just across the Jordan River from the land which God promised to the Israelites.

b. The Time — forty years after the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses, left the land of Egypt where they had been captives for 400 years (Acts 7:6).

Moses is speaking to this new generation of Israelites (the previous generation had died in the wilderness) after 40 years of being led through the wilderness.

Three times, in our text, he speaks to them about forgetting the Lord their God:

a. Once, in an exhortation not to forget the Lord.

b. A second time, concerning the cause of forgetfulness.

c. A final time, in a warning about the punishment for forgetting the Lord their God.

The remedy for forgetfulness is to remember.

The same is true for us in our faith — if we are to inherit the promises of God, we must . . .

a. Be careful not to forget.

b. Diligently work to remember.

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