Developing A Disciple’s Spirit | Waverly Church of Christ Developing A Disciple’s Spirit | Waverly Church of Christ

February 16, 2020

Developing A Disciple’s Spirit

Passage: Luke 6:36-45
Service Type:

Like many of you I have been blessed down through the years to have a number of godly people in my life.

From my youth up there have been a number of Christians whose lives served as a strong examples to me of faithfulness and devotion to our Lord.

They were gracious individuals who spoke kind words and lived sacrificial lives before the Lord.

They were encouragers, people who went the extra mile and gave above and beyond their ability.

I know that God put each of them in my life at specific times to guide me in the way that I should go.

This morning, I would like for us to look at the next ten verses in Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain which Luke records for us.

As we do, let us ask ourselves, “am I the kind of person that others would benefit from emulating as they seek to follow Christ?”

If you are indecisive in your answer, I encourage you to consider the things which our Lord has to say to us.

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