Destruction Is Not Asleep | Waverly Church of Christ Destruction Is Not Asleep | Waverly Church of Christ

Destruction Is Not Asleep
August 27, 2023

Destruction Is Not Asleep

Passage: 2 Peter 2:1-10
Service Type:

Does it matter what we believe? Yes, because only the truth can set us free. Does it matter what we teach? Again, yes, because the eternal destiny of souls are at stake. God’s desire is that we might all be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). However, Satan, “the father of lies” (John 8:44) continues to work night and day to mislead you and me. For this reason, it is vital that we strive to identify and follow the truth and those who teach it. In our text this morning, Peter addresses a subject that though unpleasant is still necessary — false teachers, the effect of their teaching and how God promises to respond to them.

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