Degrees of Reward and Punishment in Eternal Life | Waverly Church of Christ Degrees of Reward and Punishment in Eternal Life | Waverly Church of Christ

January 26, 2020

Degrees of Reward and Punishment in Eternal Life

Passage: Matthew 19:27-29
Service Type:

God’s justice, along with His righteousness lie at the very heart of His sovereign rule. He always does what is right.

In the midst of his suffering, Job could not see this and accused God of mocking “at the despair (calamity, ESV) of the innocent” (Job 9:23).

Later, when Job was confronted with the power and wisdom of God (Job 38-41), he confessed that he had “declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know” (Job 42:3).

Those who will spend an eternity in torment, away from the presence of the Lord, will do so because it is what they deserve.

Eternal “death” is separation from the good and gracious God who created all mankind (Revelation 20:14-15).

Those who have humbly submitted to the God of all grace in obedient faith will enjoy eternal communion with Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit and all the host of heaven. Their sin will have been removed by the atoning death of Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

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