Christians Are Living Stones Offering Spiritual Sacrifices | Waverly Church of Christ Christians Are Living Stones Offering Spiritual Sacrifices | Waverly Church of Christ

November 24, 2013

Christians Are Living Stones Offering Spiritual Sacrifices

Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Service Type:

The Holy Spirit reminds us of who we are, what happens to those who reject Jesus, and the great privileges that is ours. Our life is found in Christ. Jesus is God's living Stone. Peter uses three phases to describe Jesus to us in greater detail. He is "a precious stone" and He is "chosen and precious in the sight of God", and He is "a living stone." We become living stones as our lives are built upon His life.

Long ago God spoke through the prophet Isaiah and said, "the people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise" (Isaiah 43:21). As Peter says, God called us out of the darkness of this world - its sin, its rebellion, its evil - into His marvelous light in order that we might proclaim His excellencies - His goodness, His truth, His healing, the hope found in Him.

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