Changing The Way We Walk | Waverly Church of Christ Changing The Way We Walk | Waverly Church of Christ

Changing The Way We Walk
April 3, 2022

Changing The Way We Walk

Passage: EPHESIANS 4:17-24
Service Type:

If there is something you could change about this world in which you and I live, what would it be? If there is something you could change about yourself, what might that be? I believe that you would agree with me that all is not right in the world. We are constantly reminded of this by the wars, conflict, crime and moral decline we witness on a daily basis that this world is not what it was meant to be. It was the wise man Solomon who once wrote, in Ecclesiastes 1:14, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (NIV84). The truth, as Solomon acknowledged, is that if we try to remove God from the picture, all of life is truly meaningless. You and I are restless until we rest in God. We will not find lasting joy apart from Him. The apostle Paul calls upon us as Christians to live a new lifestyle with a new mindset shaped by Christ. Let’s look at what conversion is to look like in our lives and how you and I are to live as new creations of God.

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