Caution! God At Work! | Waverly Church of Christ Caution! God At Work! | Waverly Church of Christ

July 31, 2016

Caution! God At Work!

Passage: Mark 10:1-12
Service Type:

As we look at the Mark 10:1-12 and what Jesus says, I would like for us to begin praying for every couple in this congregation, asking God to strengthen each marriage and guide both husband and wife to honor Him in their lives. The Pharisees ask Jesus a question. The purpose of the question was to test Jesus. Their goal was to force Jesus to make a choice between two views widely held in that day.

Jesus upheld the authority of the Scriptures — thus He went back to Moses and the Law. But He did not stop there, Jesus went on to clarify the Law. Jesus interpreted the word of Moses for them and revealed to us something that the Law itself does not tell us. Jesus gives us the motive, the reason why Moses permitted divorce — “Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment.” (v. 5)

What does that mean?

As Jesus explained His teaching to His disciples He made the point that adultery, sexual infidelity, destroys the work God has been doing by building oneness in a marriage.

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