Being Faithful, Even When It Isn’t Easy | Waverly Church of Christ Being Faithful, Even When It Isn’t Easy | Waverly Church of Christ

Being Faithful, Even When It Isn’t Easy
March 21, 2021

Being Faithful, Even When It Isn’t Easy

Passage: Psalm 89:1-8
Service Type:

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at how we can be the hands of Jesus. Before we can be the hands of Jesus, we must have the heart of Jesus. The heart of Jesus will only begin to develop in our lives as the Holy Spirit causes His fruit to grow within us. There are nine traits to this fruit which the apostle Paul lists for us in Galatians 5:22-23. In this lesson we will consider faithfulness. When you or I say that someone is faithful, what are we saying about that person? Where do we start with developing faithfulness in our lives?

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