Influencing Those Around Us | Waverly Church of Christ Influencing Those Around Us | Waverly Church of Christ

Influencing Those Around Us
September 25, 2022

Influencing Those Around Us

Passage: JOSHUA 24:29-31
Service Type:

Verse 31, of Joshua chapter 24, tells us that not only did Israel serve “the Lord all the days of Joshua,” but also throughout “all the days of the elders who survived Joshua.” The question I have for each of us here tonight is this : “What kind of influence will those of us in this room have upon the generations coming up behind us?” Do they see us as people . . .
a. who are humble servants of our Lord?
b. who trust in Him with all our heart?
c. who study and meditate upon His word?
d. who believe in and rely upon the power of prayer?
e. who always put the Lord first in our lives?
If these things describe us then the future of this church is strong. If these things do not describe us, then a generation is coming who will no longer know the God we serve. As Joshua said, it is all about whom we choose to serve.

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