Before You Close Your Eyes Tonight | Waverly Church of Christ Before You Close Your Eyes Tonight | Waverly Church of Christ

August 10, 2014

Before You Close Your Eyes Tonight

Passage: Psalm 4:7-8
Service Type:

The pillowing of our heads at night presents us a peaceful time to reflect. The day is done. Our work is over for the day. In our bedroom there is privacy which depends upon us unlike any other time. It is a privileged moment. Before you close your eyes tonight, I would like for you to consider these words found in Psalm 4:7-8, from the pen of David.

May the peace and security which God provides bring comfort to your soul. If however, you find that gladness is distant from your heart. If peace and security seem to be absent from your soul. Then please, come to Jesus, the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul.

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