Are You Seeking To Use God or To Be Used By God | Waverly Church of Christ Are You Seeking To Use God or To Be Used By God | Waverly Church of Christ

February 1, 2015

Are You Seeking To Use God or To Be Used By God

Passage: Acts 19:11-20
Service Type:

Magic, spell books and evil spirits are the things we expect from J.K. Rowling and her Harry Potter series. Fanciful tales of places far away. However, our text today is not a fanciful tale, but a very real story involving real people and a faithful servant of God. There is a real battle going on even as I speak and you and I are "soldiers of the king" who have been given a "royal banner" to display as we march on counting everything but loss for Christ. There are some who see the things of God as opportunities for themselves to profit in this world. An important question must be asked by each of us every day of our lives, "Am I seeking to use God or to be used by God?" It is this question that our text addresses today.

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