A Woman To Be Remembered | Waverly Church of Christ A Woman To Be Remembered | Waverly Church of Christ

December 4, 2016

A Woman To Be Remembered

Passage: Mark 14:3-9
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMm3-lNizsQ?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

Throughout Scripture there are women which the Holy Spirit has made a point to bringing to our attention:

Women like . . .

a. Deborah, the prophetess (Judges 4)

b. Ruth, the grandmother of David (Ruth)

c. Hannah, the mother of Samuel the prophet (1 Samuel 1)

c. Abigail, the wife of David (1 Samuel 25)

d. Mary, the mother of Jesus

e. Martha, the sister of Lazarus (John 11)

f. Mary, the other sister of Lazarus (Mark 14)

It is this woman that Jesus said we would still remember 2,000 years later.

But what is it about her that we remember?

Even more, will we be remembered, and if so, for what will we be remembered?

This is the question our text brings to our minds this morning.

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