A Reason to Boast | Waverly Church of Christ A Reason to Boast | Waverly Church of Christ

June 7, 2015

A Reason to Boast

Passage: Romans 3:21-25
Service Type:

Have you ever boasted about anything? a.Your accomplishments (education, athletic, business, etc.)? b. The accomplishments of your children, grandchildren? Sometimes our boasting is much more subtle: a.) Pictures lining the wall. b.) A trophy on the mantle or hanging on the wall. We boast about those things of which we are proud. We want others to share in our celebration. Not all boasting is good — some comes out of arrogance. However, Paul writes of a true reason to boast — it is in what God has done for us in Christ. This morning, I want you to seek why it is so important that we boast in this. It all starts with where we were at before Christ.

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