A Childless Mother | Waverly Church of Christ A Childless Mother | Waverly Church of Christ

June 4, 2017

A Childless Mother

Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-cyoAuq_yc?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

In thinking about godly mothers, I want us to consider a woman who as far as we know did not have children of her own. However, she was called "a mother of Israel," (Judges 5:7) and her example sets forth principles that each mother who desires to be godly can follow. This woman is the only female leader mentioned in the book of judges.

Deborah was God's woman. Her leadership and obedience to God's Word resulted in a changed nation for an entire generation. If you are leading others consider Deborah's motto "O my soul, march on with strength" (Judges 5:21).

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