A Change of Perspective | Waverly Church of Christ A Change of Perspective | Waverly Church of Christ

May 22, 2016

A Change of Perspective

Passage: Mark 6:33-44
Service Type:

Has there ever been a time in your life when you found that something became clearer simply because you looked at it from a different perspective? Have you been working on something and can't seem to make any progress? Out of frustration, you walk away, oftentimes, just to get your mind off of it. Then later, come back to whatever it may be, but this time with a different perspective and suddenly things seem to fall into place.

Let's look at a miracle of Jesus. "The Feeding of the 5,000." As we look at this miracle, consider two questions: 1.) Do you see people the way Jesus sees them? 2.) Do you respond to them in the way He would have you respond? 3.) Are you able to see the Father as Jesus saw Him?

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