The Holy Spirit’s Work | Waverly Church of Christ The Holy Spirit’s Work | Waverly Church of Christ

April 27, 2022

The Holy Spirit’s Work

Passage: John 16:5-15
Service Type:

In chapters 14-16 of John’s gospel Jesus reveals more to us about the Holy Spirit than anywhere else in the gospels. Because Jesus knew the disciples mindset and what lay ahead for them, He sought to reassure them that He would not leave them alone. He knew that following His resurrection He would have a little over a month with them before ascending back to His Father.  He also knew that He was going to give them the responsibility of taking the good news of salvation to the entire world.  And He knew the hardships and persecution they would face, not to mention the struggle to understand everything which He had taught them during the previous three years.  For this reason, He promised them a Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom He also called the Spirit of truth.  Tonight, as we look at Jesus’ description of the Holy Spirit’s work, I hope you will stop to consider all that our Lord set in place so that you and I might be here together as Christians, studying the very word inspired by that same Spirit.

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