We Are People Who Are Consecrated To God
What does God’s Word say about us as a sanctified people? Not only are we God’s special people, we have been set apart by Him for a special purpose. As Christians, you and I enjoy the special privilege of being consecrated or set apart to God. He “has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9) so that we might become part of a “holy nation.” He calls us to be holy even as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). His desire is to sanctify us completely so that He may live in us and among us.
Becoming a Christian, Being the Hands of Jesus, Community, Faith, God Of Peace, Growing In Faith, Helping Others, Holy Even As He Is Holy, Jesus Christ, Living By Faith, Obedience To The Gospel, People Whow Are Consecrated To Go, Sanctification, Sanctified Christian, Sharing the Gospel, Spiritual Men, Spiritual Women, The Work of the Church, Walk By Faith Not By Sight, We Are Working Together with God, Working For God