What Marks Us As Christians | Waverly Church of Christ What Marks Us As Christians | Waverly Church of Christ

April 5, 2020

What Marks Us As Christians

Passage: Romans 12:12
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUrDD-Muxs&w=600&h=315]

In every crisis there are those who stand out - some for good, others for bad. Those that stand out for good are often remembered for their strength of character, their love for their fellow man, and their devotion to the cause before them.

According to the apostle Paul, there are certain characteristics which should mark us as Christians. He gives us three, among many, traits which should mark us as God's people.

God's people are to be those who rejoice in hope, are patient in affliction, and are persistent in prayer.

Let's take a few minutes and consider each of these in turn.

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