We Are Not Blind Too, Are We? | Waverly Church of Christ We Are Not Blind Too, Are We? | Waverly Church of Christ

January 19, 2020

We Are Not Blind Too, Are We?

Passage: John 9:40
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1KVjUBR4vQ&w=600&h=315]

Blindness can be categorized as natural or spiritual. Naturally, one might be born blind (like the man in John 9). Or a person might become blind in old age/later seasons of life (Isaac - Genesis 27:1, Eli - 1 Samuel 3:2). Blindness can be an inability to see. Blindness can also be an unwillingness to see.

Scripture often treats blindness as a symbol of the human inability or refusal to realize the importance of God and the gospel.

Natural and spiritual blindness cross paths in John chapter 9.

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