The Sunrise from on High has Visited Us | Waverly Church of Christ The Sunrise from on High has Visited Us | Waverly Church of Christ

October 13, 2019

The Sunrise from on High has Visited Us

Passage: Luke 1:67-79
Service Type:

Sometimes there are things about which you just can’t keep quiet — you have to tell someone.

That was true all those years ago when Zecharias was allowed to speak once more and he just had to speak out in praise of the Lord for what He had done and was about to do.

This morning, as we look at these powerful words which Zecharias spoke in praise of God, let us see . . .

a. First, our plight without Jesus Christ.
b. What God did to change all that.
c. And the great blessings which we who are Christians now have in Christ.

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