Keep Telling the Story | Waverly Church of Christ Keep Telling the Story | Waverly Church of Christ

January 27, 2019

Keep Telling the Story

Passage: Colossians 4:5-6
Service Type:

As one of our hymns declares, you and I have a “message true and glad, for the sinful and the sad” — it is a message we are called to ring out, “to all the lost of every nation.”

In our text this morning, Paul points out to the Christians at Colosse, and by extension, each of us here this morning, two ways in which this can and should be done.

It has been said, and many of us have heard it more than once that, we are the only Bible which some people may ever read.

Let’s make sure that what others seen in and hear from us leads them to and not away from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The first thing Paul would say to us this morning is . . .

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