Samuel: A Man of Character | Waverly Church of Christ Samuel: A Man of Character | Waverly Church of Christ

November 25, 2018

Samuel: A Man of Character

Passage: 1 Samuel 12:5
Service Type:

Think about the Christian men you have known throughout your lifetime, particularly those who are up in years. How many can you name who have consistently walked with God from their youth up.

Many of us know men who ended their lives, having kept the faith, but they either didn't obey the gospel until they were adults or they obeyed Christ in their youth, but drifted away for a period of time before finally coming back.

Samuel stands out as a man of character from his youth up. By the time he anointed Saul as the first king of Israel, we know that he was "old and gray" (1 Samuel 12:2), and that he faithfully served Israel and the Lord since he was a small boy.

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