What Must One Do to Stay Saved? | Waverly Church of Christ What Must One Do to Stay Saved? | Waverly Church of Christ

September 30, 2018

What Must One Do to Stay Saved?

Passage: Revelation 2:10
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCVJpUbYuSo?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

The questions "what must I do to be saved" and "what must I do to stayed saved" are equally important. There are requirements to be saved; One must hear the message God has revealed to understand what one must do. One must believe what God has said about Himself and His Son. One must repent. One must confess belief that Jesus is the Son of God. One Must be baptized for the forgiveness of sin.

If one wants to stay saved, he must realize that one can fall. After baptism, one can fall back into sin. We are warned against falling away. One can depart from God. On can fall from God's grace. If one wants to stay saved, they must cease to practice sinful habits. If one wants to stay saved, they must keep in touch with God. If one wants to stay saved, they must always put God first. It is important to that one be saved and stay saved.

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