Gideon: The Hesitant Hero | Waverly Church of Christ Gideon: The Hesitant Hero | Waverly Church of Christ

September 2, 2018

Gideon: The Hesitant Hero

Passage: Judges 7:1-8
Service Type:

Last week we looked at God's call of this timid soul and Gideon's tests to determine whether or not it was actually God who had called him. Or God truly wanted him to take an army against the Midianites.

Tonight's lesson picks up where last week's left off, with Gideon and his army preparing for battle. No doubt from Gideon's point of view, they need at least four times as many soldiers. However, from God's perspective there are too many. Let's look at how all this plays out and what we can learn from it.

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