Complainers Never Win | Waverly Church of Christ Complainers Never Win | Waverly Church of Christ

June 17, 2018

Complainers Never Win

Passage: Philippians 2:14
Service Type:

A month has passed between the time Israel departed from Egypt to the time the nation reached the Wilderness of Sin. Water had already been a problem (Exodus 15:22-26) and now they had run out of food. They were frightened to the extent that they began to think about the “good ole days” back in Egypt, when they use to sing and eat. They became discouraged before they had hardly gotten started. They had been on the road only a few days and because they had missed a meal or two they were ready to go back to the slave camps of Egypt. The growling stomachs soon produced grumbling lips. Tonight I would like for us to consider five things that this passage teaches us about complainers.

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